Nemesis, I absolutely agree with msot of what you say re the abuse of multiple IDs. Pretty certain I've been the victim of such malicious reporting myself at times, when the most inoccuous question gets removed seconds after it appears. Clearly they are being reported because they are MY questions, not because they are in any way breaching
Site Rules (said questions ALWAYS return after review by Ed). I've long believed that as much as is humanly possible should be done to crack down on such multiple IDs as there are no positive benefits to the site or it's users to them being allowed. However, I do understand the difficulty in achieving that.
One further point to consider, I am also aware that if a user or group of users fidn you offensive/annoying/too outspoken etc then they may well agree to each report you and so boom! you can get zapped that way too. They don't bother with their multiple IDs, but merely msn some like (narrow) minded buddies and when 3 of them have reported you, you're gone.
So, although I'm a firm backer of the "AB Users Say No to Multiple IDs" campaign, I don't think it will entirely solve the problem of malicious reporting. Unfortunately, the sneaky, small minded and cowardly will always find a way.........