Its not until the summer/ hot weather is here when people strip off to a degree, that you realise just how many have loads of tattoos, some all over their bodies. It must be a very lucrative business to be in, it also seems more females have them, than men. Do you have one?
I have 4. Love them, they all mean something (or someone) and I'm not the slightest bit bothered if other people don't know that- or if they might stop me becoming a supermodel at 80 :-)
I have some indiscreet ones, thanks to radiotherapy. Other than that, no way would I have any.
Generally speaking, I can accept the tattoos sported by the service men. I loathe them, especially on women.
Last week I was at a large, university hospital and was astounded by the staff sporting them. Some of the men might as well have been David Beckham. As for the females - well! Totally undesirable imo.
I don't, and have never considered it. I really think it looks awful, why young and older girls want to mess about with their body in that way is beyond me, but its personal choice I guess, but I also guess that a lot of them will regret such a choice later on in life. What I did notice is a lot of them are of very poor quality, and very little art work at all, such as a tattoo of a chain round the ankle.
My son has many and my two daughters have a couple of small ones, I don't have any. My cousin has made a very good living out of being a tattooist out in the wild West of Canada.