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Pain If Its Severe Do You Go To Hospital

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pumpjack | 18:01 Tue 13th Aug 2019 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
think it may be kidneys , im almost sure
urine dark red/brown
have CAT scan in 2 more days
now getting sever pain in back
had fever, headaches , nausea for few days. away now
might be kidney stones

what to do if pain gets worse


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cant see a doc 2 more bloody weeks
Get an ambulance right NOW.
Don't be a hero, you need immediate treatment.
Best wishes.
Pack your bag, ring the ambulance, then come back and tell us you have done it.
Phone 111.
If you were in England, Scotland or Wales, I'd suggest calling 111 for advice. However I seem to remember that you're in NI, where 111 doesn't operate, so you should call the GP out of hours service.

If necessary, they can give you a hospital referral (which might save you queuing for hours in A&E) or even call an ambulance for you if they deem your condition to be an emergency:
Five months ago I was in a lot of pain so my wife rang our doctor; she was told to ring 999, NOT 111. That saved my life.

Ring 999 if the pain is so severe.
I agree 999.

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Pain If Its Severe Do You Go To Hospital

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