The motorist as always been a target to make money, even more so on retail areas/ shopping centres, more so now than before on retail centres, as shops close and bigger stores demand rent reductions, the obvious answer is sting the motorist for as much as they can get away with. The shopping centre near me, you get a ticket when you enter, when you leave you put it in the machine and it charges you for how long you've been their, but god help you if you lose your ticket, they hit you for a full day. Now they have camera as well that can see what time you came ,and how long been parked there, but do they use this information if you lose your ticket? no!
Do they use this information if you try and not pay, yes! parking fines, and fooling people into believing they can park on a retail site for free is big business, and they are earning more money from that than they are in shop rents.