oh and the dissonance is that they hold one set of rules for one and another for religion
No - - - agree the maff boy
more likely to be resistance to new ideas see - the structure of scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts etc
we did all this in the C19 - the world was looked on as immutable as created and then the universities packed with vicars noticed that the geology formation clearly WEREN'T static
the wednesbury incongruity played a big part in this - a lower stratum (old) ended up on top of a ,more modern younger stratum - by twisting
and strata were obviously being laid down in rivers ( sedimentation)
This is Lyells geology 1830 and it was inevitable that it was taken into biology - and took 30 y
so did the scientists close their doubting eyes to biblical inerrancy and The TRUTH ? - no they closed their eyes to obvious inconsistencies for as long as possible
and then the paradigm shift occurred around 1860
we have had this before the question and answers are the same but perhaps with less enthusiam
new wiki page tho