Hi Folks,
Double checked my grid and can still get it to 20 ;
1. Hideout
2. Jimmy Carter
3. Ringlet
4.Obsidian (2)
5. Armadillo
6. Treadmill
7. Terminology
8. Acquittal
9. Risotto
10. Quiche
11. Taint
12. Eidetic
13. Radii (2)
14. Ellis
15. Greasepaint
16. Aston Martin
Hi Danny & Co.
Sorry to be such a pest but I have included CorIn Redgrave and I can still only get 20 - "i''s.
I have actually photo-copied my completed grid and cicled all the "i''s and I can still only get 20.
Any further help would be great.
Hi Danny,
Yes I have included the 2 - "i"s from Eidetic but still can only get 20.
The no. of "i"s on each line in the finished Grid containing them is as follows starting from the top :
Line 1 - 2 "i"s
Line 2 - 1 "i"
Line 3 - 1 "i"
Line 4 - 2 "i"s
Line 5 - 2 "i"s
Line 6 - 1 "i"
Line 9 - 1 "i"
Line 12 - 1 "i"
Line 14 - 1 "i"
Line 15 - 4 "i"s
Line 16 - 3 "i"s
Line 17 - 1 "i"