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Huawei/honor Phones

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pastafreak | 12:55 Wed 28th Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Would it be risky to purchase one of these now, bearing in mind the US/China trade disagreement? I've read that support by Google and Android updates may be at risk.


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I hope not Pasta,I've got another year to run on my contract with my Huawei P20 pro
With so much choice I would avoid the Huawei - but then I am very cautious.

I love my One Plus which I have had for 2 and a half years with not a single reboot. Best phone I've ever had.
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Eeekkk!!...I can't afford those ^^^^ prices. :(
Have a look at the Moto range
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I have...they look good enough to tempt me away from Samsung. I keep going back to the moto g7 and g7 Power.
Wouldn't touch with a long bargepole
I'd buy a Moto G if I were looking for a phone in that price bracket, always seem to be a best buy in the mags I read
One plus is chineese also?
Yes, it is but it is a different company and is not involved in any scandal or threat.
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Many of the top technology companies have originated in the Far East. I think if it's not Apple, Sony or Samsung, they may seem obscure to many of us.

...yes, I know Apple is American;)

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Huawei/honor Phones

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