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Corbyn 'asks' To See The Queen

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Bobbisox1 | 08:34 Fri 30th Aug 2019 | News
31 Answers

This man has become synonymous with protests or sending endorsements to others such as HAMAS and the IRA,
He just loves a good old protest no matter what


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Corbyn has a brass neck. Only a few months ago he deliberately snubbed a Royal invitation to attend the State Banquet for POTUS. Now this creep want's to seek audience with Her Majesty the Queen and expect a favourable reception. Good on you Your Majesty. Both you and your P.M. who leads your government know what is good for your country and it ain't a ruddy trot...
08:53 Fri 30th Aug 2019
Who mentioned Brexit ? I didn,t.
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/// he's rather her NOT be there ///
"Too late for that tho Ludwig ,she's already embroiled in the mess that is Brexit now " - the Queen is not "embroiled" - she has responded as she should to the PM's request. Had she refused it that would have caused a much bigger issue and would indeed constitute embroilment. As it stands she is merely acting with her usual constitutional accuracy.
// Who mentioned Brexit ? I didn,t. //

I did. I thought I'd better, as it's what the question's about.
// Had she refused it that would have caused a much bigger issue and would indeed constitute embroilment. //

Yes, and this is the reason she could never agree to meet Corbyn. To agree to do so would have been political embroilment. She's not picking a side, it's just something she can't do.

Stupid of Corbyn to have requested it, because he knows this - and Jo Swinson too.
Me thinks they should lock him up in the tower until November, or send him to Butlins.
That's a bit unkind to Butlin's, teacake.
Thyankis for BA Bobbisox.
//she could never agree to meet Corbyn //

but he's a privy counsellor, and has the individual right of personal access to the Sovereign. access can only be used to give advice on public affairs but under present circumstances, making such a case would not be difficult.
Mushroom, but is he a Privy Councillor ?
//Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, usually known simply as the Privy Council of the ...... "Jeremy Corbyn rejects formal privy council induction by Queen".

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