I'm All Ready To Go.
I've got my new blazer, shoes a bit old as they've been passed down, but new to me , spent all weekend trying to shine them up a bit with some cherry blossom, buckle strap just hang on there, but I have had brand new ankle socks, there a little bit big, and keep slipping down, but mom said they will shrink a bit when she washes them next week, if shes got any Lux left.
Have a new PE bag and full kit, again the plimsolls are a bit small, can feel my big toe rubbing, mom said they will stretch when I've worn them, ( getting a bit fed up of all these excuses). Had a new Muffin the Mule pencil case, with new jumbo rubber, 1 x pencil, 1x bottle of ink with nibs and blotting paper, mom said she will crown me if I spill the ink in my bag, (not sure what that means) crown me.
Spent all weekend covering my new exercise books in wood chip, and painting them, two of them in real wallpaper, but one of them had to have two different papers, run out of sellotape for the last one so just had to lick it down, it does keep popping back up, but the teacher might have some when I get there, so said mom again.
I have my dinner money for this week, but mom said that she's going to write to the school next week to see if she can get free dinners for me, other than that will have to take cold sarnies, as my dad as done a bunk, he never came back from the boozer last night.
I know who's going to be my new teacher, we were told before we broke up, I don't like her, she keeps you in at playtime if your sick after eating school dinner, and her breath smells a bit when she leans over you to have a look at your writing. Well that's about it, me moms just got her hanky out, wet it and rubbed a boggy off my nose, I'm off wish me luck on my first day. :)