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School End.

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teacake44 | 19:13 Tue 03rd Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Sorry to say but school as come to a close, its been burnt down by vandals. :o(


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How much will you pay me to hide that empty petrol can for you, Teacake44?
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I think I got reported to the headmaster.
when you say vandals, do you mean the bash street kids from 4c?
What's happened to the other thread?
Vandals should be birched.
Not that one
The one that started off about throwing a sickie
There was a day 2 thread though that seems to have been erased.
Teacake, I, along with others, really enjoy you posts, and I hope you continue with them; However, in future, be a little more discrete in your misspelling of names:)
That's the one I'm referring to
The day two thread I mean
What happened ?
Now wright on the blackbored "In the future I promise to cheque my spelling befor posting." 44 times.
She was 'rude' about another Aber.
So why not just remove the posts rather than the entire thread ?
Bazile, if we were to explain the situation this thread would also be closed. So I suggest that we leave it alone and just discuss, if we want to, the fact that we would like to see more posts from her.
I presume the offending material was in the OP, therefore difficult to remove as it would leave no question.

Perhaps a thread about a removed thread is not a good idea either.
It was in the OP that the 'rudeness' manifested itself. That is why the whole thing has gone.
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I think the English teacher got the uff. :o)

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