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Strictly 2019 Summed Up To Perfection

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thesshhh | 09:55 Tue 10th Sep 2019 | Film, Media & TV
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Ha ! Brilliant article, totally agree.
13:54 Tue 10th Sep 2019
what a nasty article
It's just the opinion of one mediocre hack who writes stuff for Sun readers...I'm just surprised that some of the words have more than four letters.
Err indoors watches this and TBF sometimes it's quite entertaining but what always makes my blood boil is the %^&*ing studio audience. They should have their hands cuffed to their sides. Why must they ruin every decent song clapping like seals? There is only one song where clapping is allowed and even then it's in select places, Radio Gaga! rant over!
I actually agree with you, TTT, can't stand the clapping and fake cheering!
Z list celebs?

Obvs the writer of the article is 60+... I understand it's upsetting when you realise you're too old for the times you live in.
Fake cheering??

They're either cheering or they're not.. Surely?
-- answer removed --
I thought it was a fun article.
What makes you think the writer is over 60, spath? I’m in my 40s and have never heard of most of the ‘celebs’ either.
I just looked up the journalist and he looks in his 40s too.
Clover, because the article writer clearly isn't whit the times.
Ha ! Brilliant article, totally agree.
Thanks for BA !

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