Crosswords0 min ago
100 Genders Anyone?
You did read that correctly.......The Beep Beep See is now offering the choice of 100 different gender identities....Crikey fakebook only offers a choice of 71. Now I think we all know males have and we know what women have.......what does the Beep Beep See think the other 98 have? Here we go looby loo.
https:/ /www.da ilymail news/ar ticle-7 440377/ BBC-edu cation- film-cl aims-10 0-gende r-ident ities-b lasted- nonsens e.html
In my experience they never have differed until some wanted to claim they were a different sex and could be fully that sex if they lived as it and/or had an operation to physically mimic it. Like many words today, it seems some are trying to change meaning to suit their own agenda. If they want to discuss mental issues regarding not feeling the sex that they are...
13:36 Sat 14th Sep 2019
I don't know, Jim! I don't care what other people do, or how they say they feel. I just don't agree that either sex can change into each other, words should be changed to him/her (maybe where we disagree) or that either sex should pretend to be the opposite... when it comes to competitions, privacy, safety, comfort... it obviously is important. What people do in their own private lives which affects nobody else is entirely their own business.
// What people do in their own private lives which affects nobody else is entirely their own business.//
Correct......but there are "certain people" who are not content with that truth. They are insistent that we all feel as they (sometimes) do and agree with their version of reality and must conduct our lives in their own image. We are all to become a minority of one.........all the better to control.
Correct......but there are "certain people" who are not content with that truth. They are insistent that we all feel as they (sometimes) do and agree with their version of reality and must conduct our lives in their own image. We are all to become a minority of one.........all the better to control.