Hello Whiskeysheri from The Rooster in California. The pc's we run over here are comparable in elecricity usage to running a normal size refridgerator. I hope that helps.
I thought that the power consumption had to be marked on electrical items in the UK but I cant find anything on my PC.
Interesting question though.
I guess you mean the total for everything that is connected and running, modem, router,printer etc.
Someone else on another forum gave me this answer .
Its probably around 500W in total (a good enough guess anyway) with everything running, I use that as a guess to work out the cost in kWh (i.e. 5 hours at 10p/kWh = 25p).
Your PC power supply will have a rating on it somewhere (as will the monitor), but keep in mind that these are max ratings and it might not ever go near that. 500W could be a very generous guess for many systems