For me, it’s like this morning - I drive to a local carpark which is basically empty. As I’m locking car a woman drives in, and literally parks right next to me, when there’s about 60 spaces!! Why??
What’s your pet hates?
Lol, mamya. Dancing on the table is fine by me. I was thinking more of B Johnson with his foot on a table while meeting some head of state, and people on trains with their grubby shoes on seats.
Men who let the hair grow out of their nose, and then allow it to drip like a tap. Yuck, and with all the electric trimmers on the market, just don't get it. And ears for that matter.
sweetcorn as its not described properly as it is sweet yes, but its not corn I mean it looks nothing like cornflakes even if you flattened it because cornflakes are orange and sweetcorn is yellow. Though I have seen some sweetcorn in tesco that is purple don;t know what thats all about probably it was off.
Cold callers whose opening gambit is, "Don't worry, i'm not trying to sell you anything." Then immediately try to sell you something. No LOL, just a GRRRRR.
Saw someone in the supermarket pick up a pack of four cooked chicken legs. Gave one to the toddler in the buggy, one each to the youngsters on either side of the buggy and one for herself.
Did put empty packet in basket....but, just yuck...