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Am I Being Naive Or Ignorant?

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Jordyboy9 | 09:59 Tue 24th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Am I being stupid or ignorant in saying,
There’s no reason to have a television nowadays.with I pads an computers
Every thing you want is at your fingertips,
The days of having to watch what others want is gone,
And for an old fart like me it’s magic being able to watch programmes of old movies,
In saying that has anyone heard of movie123 I think it was i stumbled across it and was able to watch RIO Bravo,and MERRILLS MAURADERS,
John Wayne in Rio Bravo,and quess who in merrills mauraders.?


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Yes Mamyalynne you are right we have a choice,
All I would like to say is for some on holiday abroad the iPad is ideal ,for after The toils of a hard day is through.
Especially Netflix the choices are amazing.
All devices have their pluses, I tend to use my ipad for games only as being partially sighted I benefit from a large screen for most viewing.
What games do you play, Mamya? I have a housebound relative who enjoys playing a few games but needs more.
Yes of course you need TV especially when it comes to things like football (MOTD for eg) but for movies I also think the same. The movie I watched on an Ipad I think it were was with my youngest Bro on a coach to Scotland.. it were one of the original Bourne trilogy.

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