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Dt 29144

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snoyl | 06:54 Sat 31st Aug 2019 | Crosswords
14 Answers
Stuck in SW corner
19d Boat made from part of tree, reportedly


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Letter count?
not in the telegraph but hope someone can help me. clue: difficult to believe or extraordinary. i?c? e?i?l?
i am lost. Cartesian
Barque ?
I think they have misled you with a wrong count
I should have pointed out that it is two words 4 and 6 and that is what is puzzling me. Cartesian
I do appreciate the help
-- answer removed --
Got everybody barqueing up the wrong tree...
We had this last night

Is the clue something like 21a and 25d? ie splitting the answer into two places?
As I said above, they have misled the solver.
mamyalynne is right I think. There is a mistake here.
So grateful for your help. Greetings from Scotland. Cartesian

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Dt 29144

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