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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:30 Mon 30th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
Monday. Another week begins for the workers. The downside of being retired is you don't get a day off!
I'm Sure there's something I'm supposed to be doing today, but I can't for the life of me remember what it is. No doubt I'll get an irate phone call later. :o}
Oh well. have a happy day everyone.


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Good morning everybody.
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Morning paddy.
Morning Danny
Yes DTC the dehydrating effect of alcohol does help you dry up the cold temporarily.
morning Paddy

I'll probably need drying out, tony, need one of those old-fashioned manglers.....
morning Paddy xx
okay, time to be moving, a little shoplifting to be done in Trurra, more for lunch and I want to get back to see the Scottish hordes take on the Samoan women's team - or are they Fa'afafines? The bagpipes need to win this one, but remember the last Cup, it was 36-33....
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It'd gone quiet, so I'm going to shove off and find something to avoid doing.

Have a happy day everyone.
so have a good one, all....
Right I'm going to make a move get this freezer defrosting done and the trays washed.
Take care folks
Catch you in the morning
bye DT xx Boaty xx Tony xx
Morning everyone x
Morning Bobbi you made it here eventually just not at silly O'Clock xxx
Better late than never Tony, haha
Yes that's true any plans for today?
A lazy lounge about one I think,maybe get back into the book I’m writing, I’ve left it for a couple of weeks so time to tap away haha x
OK do you know where the book is going or will it evolve as you type?
What genre will you book be? xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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