I have grown tomatoes in a greenhouse for a number of years. This year they have grown well bu the skins are very thick. So thick in fact that I can't eat them freshh, only cooked. Any ideas of the cause?
This has got me stumped!
I wonder if you are growing the same variety as you usually do or tried another the may take a little longer to ripen ?
Also have you used the same fertiliser at the same rates as previous years ?
Sorry I've answered your question with more questions but hopefully this may help you or someone else figure out whats going wrong or something else you can eliminate from your query. Good Luck Tbird+
Assuming you kept them well watered, I think it's something to do with ripening rates. If your toms were directly in the very hot sun that we had recently they probably toughened up as a protective measure. (Likewise if they take to too long to ripen in a dull cold summer).
During very hot sunny spells it's best to have some shading.
If you did that then please ignore me, I'll pretend I was never here :o)