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teacake44 | 13:34 Sat 05th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Made you feel inadequate, useless, or none contributing, in general.


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No, nor ever will do.
I have made myself feel that way, purely because in some situations I consider useless and non contributing, being quite disabled now physically. My expectations far exceed my abilities!
Ditto, was about to put something similar NM.
Have been, some people seem to take pleasure from being narcissists, but you just need to stand up and confront them, they soon back down.
Ah but OG what we may lack in out physical abilities we make up for with our superior brain power! ;o) ;o)
Yes, yes and yes. I need to get a thicker skin or grow a pair, which is technically impossible. :-) x
No one ever did that. They would get a mouthful if they tried

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