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According To Some Abers

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nailit | 22:53 Sat 05th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
An amateur shrink
A hater of the mental health services
'Not a nice person'
A God hater
A member of the clique
A drug taker
An ex con not to be trusted
A benefit cheat

Im none of the above....
Beats the crap out of me how some people can make judgment calls about others, from someone they dont know from Adam?



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Ignore it Nailit. Some people would be well advised to walk a mile in others' shoes. I wish some people who have judged me would do that. They'd be a mile away in ridiculously uncomfortable shoes.
23:07 Sat 05th Oct 2019

You questioned this yourself so it’s hardly beyond the realms of possibility for someone to say you are.
Maybe if you didn’t give out so much information about yourself, abers would have no grounds to make comments about you.. in truth though, does it matter ?
could be worse, they could be accusing you of being a moderator ...
Who lives in a house like this? the clues are there. :0)
You are an awful whinger, Nailit. Still, your me me me threads give all the virtuous ABers a chance to signal. And, serendipitously, have a go at 'they, them, those other' ABers who they deem not sufficiently woke.
Since the majority hereabouts appear to lack a facility for critical judgement - simply parroting what the Daily Mail or Sun tells them to believe - I'd be wary of setting much store by their opinions. Ad hominem attacks are particularly abhorrent.

Nailit - for what it's worth I respect your opinions even when I disagree with you, because you clearly think deeply about things before spouting. It's rare. Your background does not affect how I receive what you say.

I highly recommend you join for more thoughtful and intelligent discussion. There are categories of interest for all, plus fun subreddits you might enjoy such as r/CasualUk.
That's telling the majority, China.
Not sure you should be advertising other sites on here though.
I was about to agree with China...and remark that the site suggested was worth looking at. I'd certainly would not consider the link as advertising though.
zacs, nailit admits to being an ex con, i think it's the 'not to be trusted' bit he objects to

Point taken.
Every time I see this at the top of the last seen thingy, I want to sing “According to all Sources” the start of Its Raining Men....sorry,I’ll get me coat

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