Hello. I am back for my now regular Saturday night request for help. As always I have suggestions for answers but can't quite work out why. Help gratefully received
16ac Numbers in financial documents - one number therein multiplied by five. My suggestion is "amounts" but part from that being a word for numbers, I can't think why. And I've tried "number " meaning more numb but that doesn't help.
30 ac One given go-ahead sign, beginning to travel east in splendid emergency vehicle. With the letters I have " fire engine" fits and that's an emergency vehicle. and fire could be the go ahead sign but then...?
In passing, I must say that I thought "re lent Christianity" a brilliant anagram. Rather proud that I eventually got it! And A level poetry cracked the "tolerates us" anagram!
16 Numbers = Amounts. Financial documents = accounts. Take the 'cc', one number therein and multiply it by five - that gives you M (cc, 200 x 5 = 1000, M)
Oh wow!! Well I got myself into the first fix by thinking "fire" instead of "green". So thanks for sorting that out, scorpion
Would I have ever worked out the other one. I doubt it. So thank you NAC for that . Eye watering!