Any weekend without the kids is special but its the little touches that make it rememberable. My partner gave me three little presnts to open one at a time. He gave me little tokens/pressies that symbolised our very first 3 dates. Our 1st date was in a pub called the Ram Inn so he bought a little plastic ram (from early centre I guess) and put a bow on him and placed him in a little cute bag. Stuff like that. It took me a few moments to work out what on earth he was playing at, but I thought it was incredibly romantic and very thoughtful. By the way, he's not a cheap skate, I was in a fab Madrid hotel at the time (without the kids....yay!) and he had earlier given me a beautiful white gold necklace but it's the little cute pressies that I always remember first and mention to my 'green eyed' friends as it's just so romantic.
By the way, I've kept all his love letters as I've found them extremely touching too. You could always write out a touching letter and hide it away for her to find on the day, in a bathroom cabinet or toiletery bag if your going away. Writing out I LOVE YOU on a icy car winsdscreen is a fab way to start the day. No good for August though. Perhaps you could use something else or use little pebbles in the garden as she wakes up to open the curtains spelling out romantic words. I'm sure others will give you a few more ideas. I am sure she will feel like one very lucky lady. I hope you both have a very special time whatever you decide.