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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 03:43 Thu 10th Oct 2019 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Thursday. We've had plenty of rain over the last 24 hours. Stopped now though.
An appointment at the surgery at 1000, then a wee bit of shoplifting and that's me for the day. I'll have to do soe housework I've been trying to ignore. Nothing desperate, except the mice are skiing on the dust. Cheeky wee gits! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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why are we in here ?
Morning Birdies......Thought this was a wind up. In Spams and Scams Boaty. Will you have to zap yourself?
Morning all, dry out there at the moment. One Princess Royal demanding attention next to me.... Maybe a trip to Waitrose to spend a £30 voucher card - very kind of them as I only moaned about slicing my second finger open on one of their Norton Malbec wine bottle lead-foils that seemed to be far too thick to begin with - it was like a very bloody razor cut. This was last week and I got a letter plus the card in the post yesterday - certainly wasn't expecting it.
Lol @Johnny......I feel like a fraud.
Wild and windy out there. Get my errands done before tomorrows rainstorms. Been a busy week up to press. Tidied up all the pots etc and emptied them, apart from the Begonias, and wrapped the patio furniture in a tarpaulin. Yesterday two guys had part of the roof off to replace some underfelt and the flashings and soakers around the chimney. So an early shave and get out and about handy.
Good morning everybody.
Morning Paddy....
good morning all
Morning emmie, Boaty's away to pester his newsagent to give him a paper......
hello DTC, its bright here in the capital, lets hope it stays that way. Got couriers coming today, and something in the post as well, its a pain but the door entry system isn't working so will have to leave the door open or listen out for them.
Morning emmie, DTC and Paddy, no rain just a bit breezy here.
need specsavers - thought I read courtiers coming, not couriers coming....! Time for me to be moving as well, so have a good one, all.
have a good day all.
late morning all xx router probs..couldn't find you spams and scams ?
Boaty got lost...
Now he has gone and the spammers are out of their hidey holes
morning Rowan xx
I have moved this thread into the category "ChatterBank".
A late good morning to all of you
^^^ Emm, emm emm early birds only. See me after school.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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