I Have A Question About My Shape in The AnswerBank: Adverts
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I Have A Question About My Shape

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RioWoods99 | 15:33 Fri 11th Oct 2019 | Adverts
14 Answers
Hello, I’m 16 years old, 5’8 and I have a question about my shape, despite being tall, I have super duper short legs and a lonnnggg torso, I eat a lot and don’t gain any weight, supremely skinny, and I was wondering if my legs were going to catch up to my torso? I’ve started lightly working out, since my butt sits so low on my back, I’ve been focusing on my hips, glutes, and waist, is any of this going to help?
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Are you younger than 21?
That’s never going to happen, I’ve got long legs ( 32inch inside) they aren’t likely to shorten either
Spath - have you been missing maths lessons? He says he's 16 and that's younger than 21.
No, its the way you're built and you can't make your legs longer by working out ( I wish you could) .
wait until you get a bit older.
Afraid not. It's just your shape. I bet no one else notices.
If you are younger than 21 then who knows what developments your body will go through. My girlfriends cousin was very short 5.5 until he was 18, he then grew over a foot and is now just shy of 7ft.
Just be happy you're fit & well (and young!). Someone will love the shape you are even if you don't think it's ideal.
Spath - Rio is female so less likely to happen.
When you are younger your metabolism is running flat out so anything you eat gets burned off but as you get older it slows down and the weight starts to stay - unfortunately not normally where you want it to. If you want to bulk up cut down on volume but eat the right kinds of food to help with muscle growth aided by an all round program of exercise.

How about a stretch on the rack

I'll get ma coat
I'd say leg length is probably determined by bone structure, and I'm not sure how much that is likely to change at your age. Be happy with what you've got, and make the most of what you like about yourself.
Ermmm...what's this question doing in adverts?
I suspect that the ratio won't change much. Legs can be lengthened in painful long term surgery but no one would contemplate that unless appearance was extreme. Best to accept yourself as you are and highlight the bits you like best.

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