I have found a couple of �20`s but thats it. Not like the person who found �10,000 in a bag on a train going into London. Handed it straight to police aswell....tch tch.
he might of handed it in cos maybe he thought it might be somehow marked then traceable back to him, in the shop were i work if we find money on the floor and it does,nt get claimed, we dont get it [i think finders keepers if no claim] it does,nt even go to charity it goes straight in to th company
my son at the age of 10 found �25 ,000 odd in a few bags in a skip , outside the nationwide in Kilwwinning.
The cops at the time were on the trail and knew what was happening , but at 10, my son was pretty well shaken up .
He never got a thank you or a reward either, and when you think of it , its kinda rotten .
I found a wallet containing about �70 at Butlins in Skeggy about 12 years ago. I handed it in (even though we were strapped for cash) and spent the rest of the week wishing I hadn't!
I could just imagine the person behind the counter thinking, "What a sap! I'll tell him it's been claimed and pocket it myself!"
my son many years ago found a wallet with credit cards,�350 when out with my dad,it had an, address in it so they posted it back to the man you know what he never replied back saying thanks or even a little something for its return my dad went mad said he shoudnt have bothered
The only time I found a wallet in the middle of Bond Street in london early one morning, ( it contained �50 and credit cards) it got me into big trouble even though I handed it in to a police station.
A few days later my wife came home and found a big bunch of flowers outside our house with a note saying "thank you very much David, Love from Susan XXX"