Saturday. It's blowing an 'ooligan outside. So I'll give the farmers market a miss. I shall have to disappear for a while shortly after 0600 to go and collect the paper, I've got a new laptop being delivered sometime between 0700 and 2000. I hope I'm the first drop! I did all the shoplifting yesterday, so no need to go out again after getting the paper, I can spend the time getting to know my new toy. :o}
Emmie if you have some uni's close to you, their will be someone selling cheap computers, don't wish to scare you but if you have important data on your computer, you need to back it up, hard drives are mechanical and will not last forever.
Think kick off is 9.00 build up has already started. no where near as windy but still spitting with rain. Only casualty I could see from wind yesterday a blown over estate agents board. Village spring is running well.