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Glamorous contemporary crime

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NikkiB | 16:16 Sat 29th Jul 2006 | Arts & Literature
6 Answers
I like books that have organised crime, along with glamour and jet set. Trashy, I know, but I like them to be intelligent too, not the kind of boring, gossipy chick-lit books that are flying around. Any suggestions for a male author who writes about such stuff in a gritty, unemotional manner? I've read Cocaine Nights by Ballard and all of Elmore Leonard. Any other suggestions?


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Not particulalry glamourous but what about Irvine Welsh - he wrote Trainspotting and various others.
Why not try the original Godfather trilogy by Mario Puzo? Some of it is cheesy enough, but they make good reading even if you know the films inside out.
Anything by Sidney Sheldon is good like that. Also, if you like the Godfather saga by Mario Puzo, also try "THE SICILIAN" by the same author. It was a delicious read! :)
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Thanks for your suggestions people. I've read many Irvine Welsh and all of Puzo. I must admit I've never tried Sidney Sheldon. Will give him a go.
Cheers peeps!
Ohhh, try Michael Connelly's Harry Bosch novels.
Why does the author have to be male?

Some of the best crime writers (and detective crime writers) in the world are female!

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