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Tesco Advert - Is It The Worst Advert Ever?

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lankeela | 20:36 Tue 05th Nov 2019 | Film, Media & TV
50 Answers
Terrible accents and makes me want to throw a brick at the tv


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I remember when there was a bit of a hoo ha about the ethics of using the late Steve McQueen in the Ford Puma ad because the actor couldn't consent to being associated with a product. Seems to be commonplace now and the big companies don't care about ethics.
Oh right, I see, well worth getting upset to the point of violence about.
The Tesco advert is utter sacrilege - but the Aldi one entertained me so the song worked. Still wouldn't shop there though.
It’s an insult to a classic movie. A lack of respect, like overdubbing the Queen. And so poorly executed.
An insult to a classic movie. It shows a lack of respect, as if they were overdubbing the Queen. And poorly executed too.
The worst ever imitation of Bogart.
Maybe Sainsbury’s should do one based on the end of Thelma and Louise, with them overdubbed as saying “I’m damned if I ever go to Tesco again!” and “Me neither!”
its a poor ad and should be binned.
@Emmie Could you explain your pointers as to why you've come to the conclusion as to why you feel the ad does nothing for their brand ?
I've done my own short review of it here:

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