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Board Game

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Hopkirk | 19:08 Fri 15th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
My grown up youngsters and I enjoy a board game or two over Christmas.

Can anyone suggest any new ones we might not have tried?


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I have no experience of these but some reviews here.
have you tried exploding kittens?
Question Author
Thanks for the links, Many, I'll study them.

Bednobs, our cat might not like that. User Recommendation
looking at it has reminded me it's not really a board game, more a card game. I like uno too
If you all have phones then Heads Up is hilarious. We played it last Christmas as a family, best game we’ve played in ages. Not a board game but a very inclusive family or group game.
If not monopoly have you tried cluedo?
Have a look at the 'Happy Puzzle' site. Some interesting stuff there - I buy occasionally.
"Lager Guess." Drink a dozen lagers and then try and guess if you are standing up or lying down :-)
^^^ Theland is obviously thinking of a bored game, rather than a board game ;-)
I always lose.
Yahtzee is a good game
Question Author
I think I'll try Rats to Riches, from Chris's Telegraph link.

Thanks everyone who gave advice.

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