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Is Strictly Rigged By Bruno

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DTCwordfan | 20:45 Sat 16th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
He's always judge 4 and seems to hold back to the last moment before pulling his thing out....usually matching the highest this rigging to counterbalance Mr. Miserable?


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Bruno needs a good rigging!
What does that mean Theland?
Something to calm him down!
He’s great, some of the others can be too serious, doesn’t need calming down in my opinion.
Never heard of rigging as a means of calming someone down..
I like Bruno and his exuberance. DON'T calm down Bruno.
Vagus - never been in the Navy or Merch?
Question Author
sounds like a rum deal to me, Theland.....
Rum bum and concertina?

Bruno is fine the way he is.
I think maybe he has been to one of our partys.
Just needs another one.
Not in the slightest. And as an addition, the level of performance this evening was incredible. 32 points in last place? A-maz-ing.
Nooooo, more Bruno please.
Some fabulous dancing tonight, very creative choreography.
Kelvin to win, his rock n roll tonight was brilliant
Kelvin was absolutely brilliant. I was gobsmacked watching him dance.
Me too Bobbie, by far the best tonight
i want to see Karim win, he is an excellent dancer, hasn't Kelvin had some dance training before, sure i read that some place.

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