Does anybody remember an early 80s tv series called The Paperchase, set in an Ivy League law school (Harvard?). i remember James T Hart, Anderson, Ford and Professor Kingsfield/Kingsley. It was a spin off from a film. I loved the theme tune 'the first years are hard years, much more than we know....'. i have tried everywhere to find the music with no luck, and have yet to come across anybosy who remembers the series. Did I imagine it?????
is the show you remember. I don't recall too much about it, other than the fact the my mother used to watch it every week (on BBC2 I think)
I don't recall the theme music, though.
Absolutely loved it. When I went to uni I was in awe of my lecturers (for at least half an hour anyway) just in case they spoke to me like Kingsfield spoke to his students. Maybe it could be repeated on Sky?
Hi ...yes lovethe music been looking for it myself for a long time. The theme was performed by Seals and Croft but cannot find it on any of their recordings. Let me know if yoy find it