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Duchy Of Cornwall

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Oleanda | 10:17 Sun 17th Nov 2019 | History
5 Answers
Who was the previous Duke of Cornwall, before Prince Charles?


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Prince Edward (the son of George V)
^^ ie until he became King Edward VIII
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Thanks both, so presumably, between 1936 and 1952, when there wasn't one, the proceeds of the Duchy went straight to the crown?
^^^ Yes.

"When the monarch has no male children, the rights and responsibilities of the duchy revert to the Crown and there is no duke"


Note however:
"Since the passing into law of the Sovereign Grant Act 2011, revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall will pass to the heir to the throne, regardless of whether that heir is the Duke of Cornwall. In the event that the heir is a minor, 10% of the revenues will pass to the heir, with the balance passing to the Crown"

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Duchy Of Cornwall

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