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For Naomi

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NellieMay | 12:32 Tue 19th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
You asked about my family origins during wartime. Mostly South London, Battersea, Wimbledon and surrounds but some in Leytonstone on my father's side. I was born on the borders of Wimbledon and Merton.


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Thanks for getting back to me, Nellie. I asked because I was born in London ....not too far from Leytonstone. The place has changed out of all recognition - and not for the better - but I don't live there any more. Do you?
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No, moved to Bedfordshire at 15, then Hertforshire when I married, then in 1979 we emigrated (ha ha) to near the North Norfolk coast - very rurally. So officially a country bumpkin! What about you?
You live near my mother. We should meet up, You'd like her x
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I'll be in touch ummmm!
Norfolk meet up - I go there every year to visit family - spent a lot of time there this year due to dad
I moved out of London after I married, Nellie. I live in the country now - in the middle of nowhere - and I love it. :o)
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So we are both in the middle of nowhere! Best place to be :o).
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Sorry Rockrose. Didn't mean to ignore you. Ask ummmm for my facebook name and message me. But mention Rockrose x

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