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What Metal Is This

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tamborine | 15:06 Mon 18th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Its eastern incense burner I thought but I put in a nightlite candle & its burnt the v. heavy metal through.


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Probably just an ornament.
...none of the metals in the above link, that's for sure.
Probably some cheapo alloy with a very low melting point...are you sure it's all made of the same "metallic" material?
could be spelter - zinc/copper alloy. or an aluminium alloy.
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Methinks from an chinese temple judging by fishes & dragons. The well on top I thought was incense. Its lead color but not pliable.
Looking at the photograph, it certainly looks as if the 'metal' burned and not melted'

Consequently, I ask the same question as gingejbee and suggest that the item concerned is made of other than metal and has been coated with a metallic finish.

Incidentally, the temperature of a candle flame is 1400 degrees centigrade and lead melts at 327.50 C.

hm - you say "v. heavy metal" which kinda rules out spelter or aluminium and points more to lead - if indeed it is 100% metal.
Take it to "The Repair Shop" (BBC)!
Hans - that was my first thought. The top of the item looks charred and blackened.

When metals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium burn, they burn very hot and bright, and do not leave this kind of blackened char.

besides, those metals are expensive, and you'd never make this kind of item from them.

I thought it looks like a plastic moulding that has been painted in silver paint.

The definition of the moulding is quite poor, and most low-melting temperature metals would give a much sharper relief.

Tambo, can you see if the thing floats (or nearly floats) in water, as a plastic would float, whereas any metal would sink very quickly?

Hope it helps
Probably an alloy composed mainly of tin called pewter.

The colour is quite variable depending on the alloyed metals. Colours in photographs can be misleading but it looks to have the bluish tinge of a lead alloyed pewter.
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Got lots of pewter tankards but this chinese(?)is not same. It weights 12ozs. Def not parcelain nor plated but metal all thru.
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Seems the burner is lead & caused me this allergic reaction. How do I dispose of it safely, so others dont suffer likewise?
I'd doubt many are likely to have such a reaction.
Maybe put it in the recycling ?
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Lead draws on paper & Ive been testing all my metals + its not magnetic. Be safe all

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