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Listener 4582: Full Steam Ahead

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Alekhine | 23:56 Fri 22nd Nov 2019 | Crosswords
17 Answers
No-one here? Oh my!

Lots of opportunities to go wrong, but a nice work out.

Don't you just love the numericals?


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I sometimes look at a numerical and am put off temporarily by staring with no idea of how to begin; this one though I enjoyed.

The solution path to getting the numbers assigned to the letters was straightforward enough, and although I used a spreadsheet myself, I don't think it was ultimately necessary. It certainly made keeping track of the possibilities simple.

The fitting of entries into the grid was quite fun. Presumably there were a number of routes to doing it; for me the left half was all forced but I had to start with a guess on the right half.

All in all, a pleasant offering from Hedgehog - and I appreciate numericals which deliver a hidden message as it's a nice check that one has done it correctly!
Thank you Hedgehog. Always appreciate numerical which don’t require a computer. Not seen this method of entry and it significantly reduced grid assistance. As is usual with numerical, I’m amazed that the clues give an unambiguous solution.
It would have been so easy to go wrong, so it was nice to have such a reassuring ending. A novel twist to numericals that I really enjoyed.
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Definitely a numerical that could be done using fingers and toes - but also one where a cat demanding attention could throw the necessary mental gymnastics totally awry. Enough flexibility for a few wrong turnings, but simple enough to retrace ones steps. Thanks HH
Why have the messages been removed (mine included)?

emcee, the post that ended with a string of digits gave away the letter/number assignments!!
Thanks, Oyler, for your reply. I understand now about the coded message which is fair enough.

Just curious to know what was deemed offensive with my comment which surely wouldn't have upset the King (or Queen) of Snowflakes. Or perhaps it has ...

In fact, it was quite complimentary really. And I don't think it gave the show away either!

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If answers were removed because they 'gave the game away', why only on this thread when answers are freely given for all other crosswords on AB?
The Listener has developed a protected status on here over the years, of course that fact is known to regular AB members and not new members as it is unwritten.

I stay away from it in all regards.
No rhyme nor reason. If you find out why they were removed please don't bother telling me. I am sure your answer will also be removed. Totally bizarre by the day. :-(
It's not new, been like that for ages.
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4O 510211

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Listener 4582: Full Steam Ahead

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