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Paying Back Rent

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Booldawg | 15:33 Thu 28th Nov 2019 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
My Step Daughter rents a Garage. In April the rent went up but they forget to both inform us or change the direct debit.

Now realizing their mistake, they are asking for the full amount of 7 months worth of rent increase.

Now I know we are not entitled to be enriched by someones mistake but do you think they would be lenient with payments, eg. splitting the payment over the next 7 months? I will give them a ring but what does CB think?


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I'd say talk to them I'm sure you can come to an arrangement.
You could read the tenancy agreement with the landlord and see if it mentions anything about fluctuating prices.

Sounds like they're just trying to get a quick payment just in time to do some Christmas shopping.

See where you stand legally.
What sort of money are we talking about?
As they didn't give you notice I'd expect them to be fair about a payment plan.
They have to Legally inform Tenants of a rent rise. If they did not inform your daughter then the rise in rent is not legal and your daughter does not have to pay the money the Landlord says she 'owes'. She is only liable for the rise in rent from the day they informed her. If this Garage is rented on a more casual basis ie no written agreement then I'm pretty sure she still should have been informed at the time. How has it taken them 7 months to realise their 'mistake' if they were taking what would have been an incorrect amount from her every month by DD?
Exactly my thinking, AuntPollyGrey.

It seems the landlord wants some quick cash in time for Christmas.

This may or may not help. I am not sure if the same applies to a garage space.

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