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Dilemma No 2

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emmie | 07:54 Sun 08th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
I have been invited to a friends for Christmas day, which is nice
but not sure whether to go. She has a nightmare of a staircase where
there is the loo, no downstairs one... not only that she wants me
to bring along two folding chairs because they don't have enough.
will have to go by taxi and worried the driver will not carry them up and down
stairs for me.
what do i do, go or be alone Christmas Day..


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Oh dear Peter...I'd say it was your co-workers who were disgusting. Shocking Emmie, I'd be upfront and tell your friends what your concerns are and why visiting is a problem
11:40 Sun 08th Dec 2019
Would they have room to store the chairs though if they did buy them? I don't think I would ask someone who'd invited me to lunch to buy a chair to accommodate me. What you could do is agree to phone them when the taxi arrives at the home and have someone come down to the taxi and help you and the chair/s up the stairs.
Don't understand why 2 chairs. Can whoever the second chair is for not bring his/her own?
... and if you don't go how will they manage without that other chair!
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no idea, the other chair is for my friends dad..
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as i said it's a dilemma... will speak with friend on friday and discuss the various issues.
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her dad is not from these parts, he has to come
from Durham and will be staying in a hotel..
It's up to her to provide the chair for her dad. I think you shouldn't go as you would be too uptight to enjoy it. If she is a good friend then she will understand
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ellie you are probably right..
Emmie, just make your decision now and stick to it
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i know i should ellie, that's why i put it on AB cause i can't make up my mind...
Good luck with it emmie and keep us posted
Emma what do you think about my suggestion @ 12.15pm, ie that when you arrive they come down and help you and the chairs upstairs? That would solve one issue at least wouldn't it?
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ellie, thanks i will
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LB, i am sure driver would help, they usually do when i have luggage to cart up and down stairs. Its making that leap do i want to go or not. It will be for about 4 hours and i am sure will be great as her hubby is a wonderful cook so dinner will be splendid, i bought them some very good Prosecco and a lovely calendar which my friend took home with her..

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