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All Go For Boy #1

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sherrardk | 19:46 Mon 09th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
It’s the last week of term for boy #1 and he has his first 12 hour ambulance shift tomorrow, I really hope it turns out to be what he expects.


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Sher, really you must be so proud of him.
Well done for doing a really good job with the children.
Well done to him and all of you. Hope he gets on well.
How did your lad get on Sherr?
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Thanks for asking shoota - the day was declared ‘excellent’. Only 4 call outs, but two were flashing lights and one was with sirens. He’s making his way back to halls and I think he’s on a bit of a high as he’s been up since 4.30 and he says he’s not tired.
That's great, so pleased!
He did good, Sher!
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Just had this message from him ‘It was mainly observation stuff like temperature taking, blood pressure, pulse and o2 saturation but I used the radio and the computer thing a lot’.
When is his next one?
A late shift just before Christmas would probably be more eventful...
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He’s finished for the year now. He does a block placement in February for a couple of weeks.

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