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Is It My Imagination,or Has There Been A Sharp Increase In The Number Of " M O G G Y M I S S I N G " Posters Going Up Locally ?

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Canary42 | 12:09 Wed 11th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
But there again, who would want Moggy back ? The Fascistie of course.


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No, not your imagination. It's everywhere. Lots of dogs and cats going missing in our area. I even had a lady knocking on my door almost in tears asking that I check my garage and shed as her 'baby' had gone missing. You'd be surprised how emotional pet owners are when they lose a pet.
Yes, it is sad.
I think Canary is being facetious and he is referring to Jacob Rees Mogg.
its horrible to lose a pet. A young autistic girl in the news recently has had her help dog snatched away and she is bereft. I would hate to lose a pet in any circumstances it's heartbreaking.
oh heavens you are making a FUNNY, gosh i wished i had cottoned on...
What is the Fascistie?

If my cat went missing I’d be in bits, too. I’d put up a poster on every lamppost and in every letterbox in the village.
Oh yes. I did wonder if it was about JRM. No, I don’t want him back, thanks.
Canary facetious, danny? Never! Just another concerned animal lover - surely. ;o)
Bonker Boris - - looking for passy
so what it new in the world ?

hey the radio imitation programme ( yes readers that is NOT immigration, you heard right) had a brill ad for tomorrow program
Voice - hey the Don Here - you Brits have a first past the post system - no wonder you are in the doo-doo
( etc)
'You'd be surprised how emotional pet owners are when they lose a pet.' No, I wouldn't !
I was devastated when I lost my cat. Gorgeous thing. Now I'm accused of not liking the new cat (he's 5) as much as I loved my other one. It's true, I don't, but this one is rude, grumpy, a softy and we can understand his meows. Well, hello, food, now, hurry.

I love cats. don't you love cats Canary?

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Is It My Imagination,or Has There Been A Sharp Increase In The Number Of " M O G G Y M I S S I N G " Posters Going Up Locally ?

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