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Hope She Is Insured

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emmie | 11:08 Mon 16th Dec 2019 | News
24 Answers
who keeps that amount of jewellery at home
news reports says upwards of £ 50 million worth
has been stolen


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Her dad thinks it was an inside job. Does make you wonder how they carried it out if it wasn't.
Poor girl. Worked her fingers to the bone, up at 5 every day, all to keep her family together and buy a few trinkets.

Anyone who’s been robbed knows just how she must be feeling.

(Or.. where the heck did they get all that wealth?)
Who cares where they got their wealth?
Her dad owned formula 1 and is worth over 3 billion, but strangely has never bothered to get a decent haircut.

I'm sure they'll get through this.

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Hope She Is Insured

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