I have been obliged to put my signature to a letter written by my employer with which I not only disagree but find the standard of penmanship nothing short of criminal.
Since I cannot avoid signing it, I want to add a footnote in Latin which means quite simply "signature does not denote authorship"
Please help if you can as I have failed on several websites which offered that service. rutineli
ah well, just bad luck in the boss foisted on you then, rutineli. In my own experience, such people are soon promoted further, to places where they can't bother you any more. Just have to hope that he didn't get as far as he has got already by virtue of having had a classical education. Good luck.
I had such a boss. I always signed my name pp his. He can't take issue if he sees it because it's acknowledging his 'superiority' and it's also correct, if it's his letter.
PB, There was a time not so long ago when I would have stood toe to toe if he had tried to edit out so much as a point of my punctuation. My roars of retribution would have been heard in Hades, but I have mellowed with age and now guage very carefullty if I have anything to actually win and then weigh it against what I may well stand to lose, which in the past was of little concern.
I already respect myself so that is not an issue here and he is the boss so neither is that so all I can possibly win is the very minor and no doubt petty satisfaction of knowing that he didn't get his own way even if I didn't exactly get mine either.
I am old enogh to be happy with that and appreciate its worth to me. - Thanks for your thought though. rutineli
You could just put 'pp' before your signature, which denotes that you are signing it on behalf of someone else, and that you are not the original author.