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Hate This Time Of Year

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lankeela | 23:11 Tue 24th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Last year on Christmas Eve the ceiling fell in where the immersion had been leaking. Then my GSD died a couple of days later. Tonight was cleaning my fridge (as you do on Christmas Eve when you don't 'do' Christmas) and the door fell off. Now off to bed and going to turn the phone off so all those well meaning people don't text or message me first thing in the morning.


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I will get another one, as this one was second hand and was from a fitted kitchen with a cupboard door over it so its been used without the outer door since I got it. Things like this always seem to happen at the wrong time although not sure there is actually a right time.
A taxi would cost a fortune, alba. No can do.
No, there is no right time for things like this, lankeela.
I’m sorry for all you guys who for one reason or another are feeling a bit miserable. A good nights sleep and * things* MAY feel a bit better in the morning .
Hope you didn't try watching the 'miraculously saved' Morcambe & Wise shows to cheer you up; really embarrassing old rubbish which would have been better left in Sierra Leone.

Best thing to do when you have the Blues is read some poetry - try Wallace Stevens - or listen to music - try J.S. Bach.

When you're down, there's only one way to go; - up :0)

Hope those having problems soon get them sorted out.x
My downstairs cold water tap in cloakroom, has started singing every time it's turned on! Then the kitchen tap decides to join in...It's deafening. Just in time for family turning up tomorrow!
Must be pressure in the pipes..
wait till they start tap dancing, Patsy
Sorry to hear of everyone's troubles. Hope you can get them all sorted.
Patsy, try turning the mains stopcock ( ohhhh matron ) down a bit ( usually under the kitchen sink ).
Thanks Tone. (I won't be touching it) I'll get my OH to do it...
Should cure your singing tap problem, Patsy.
// Cataracts in one eye. You're lucky, I have them in both and am almost totally blind.//

yeh I wondered about renting a house 15 m away and expecting a cataracty to get to and fro (by car in the dark)

just been to hoolie in Lundy where the lady of the house who was throwing the party took accommodation a hour out of the city for her own family
No I did not point out how silly this was - no indeedy
lankeela, what a beautiful looking dog x

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