Late Summer / Autumn Fruit, Veg, Nuts And Seeds in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Late Summer / Autumn Fruit, Veg, Nuts And Seeds

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Suejlunn | 16:23 Thu 26th Dec 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

Still have no answer to this.

What would whiskey drinkers do without these
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potatoes, rather odd but so am i
18:54 Thu 26th Dec 2019
Definitely has an 'E' in whiskey? If so it should point us to something Irish.
potatoes, rather odd but so am i
Spud-in-the-Box: Whisky Distilled from Potatoes. Although whisky is generally distilled from grains like malt, barley, corn and rye, a rare breed that often escapes notice is the kind brewed from potatoes. Most notably of these, is an Irish whiskey called poitín.
Fingers? (A finger of whiskey?)
it;s a puzzle, lol

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Late Summer / Autumn Fruit, Veg, Nuts And Seeds

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