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Link For Aavitar That Was Mentioned Few Weeks Ago?

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Patsy33 | 21:42 Tue 31st Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Can someone remind me of the new& simple link to put avater up. Want to change my picture. Thanks.


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Question Author
I know about that on. Thanks both, but there was another link someone put up to a different site some weeks ago. Might have been Buen.
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Thanks Mamya.
I can't remember my password now! Followed instructions to get new password, but nothing as yet. That was 15 mins ago
Never had to do that Patsy so don't know long that takes.
I think I tried 5 or 6 times before I got a link, patsy.
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Ok, thanks Scorpiojo. That gives me hope!
Patsy unless the password for Answerbank and Gravatar/Wordpress are the same, the chosen image in Gravatar will no show here. Also remember to designate the image in Gravatar as "G" rated.
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Togo, no, they are not the same...
Will not work then Patsy. Your email address with the bank needs to be the same as the one with Wordpress(who now administrate Gravatar) for any changes to now take place.
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Oh well, I'm stuck with Punch & Judy :-)
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I've been trying g to sign in to Gravatar to reset password. All looked promising. Reset it, went to sign in, and it says oops wrong password! Over and over again I've been doing it. Pulling my hair out here! Help...

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