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Used Appliances

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jennyjoan | 12:33 Tue 07th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Like an iron/generator - have any of you bought a "used" condition. My generator could be packing up and the same generator is going for a song on Ebay. Would you buy it.


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jj always buyer beware if it is being "sold as seen"
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it is being sold as having been used. I don't really understand your answer.
Of course, it could be being sold because it, too, "could be packing up"...
sorry jj no one can say IMO you "pays your money and takes your choice" if advertised as working you should be ok. What does sellers profile look like?
I've bought some good second hand appliances but you must check out the seller if you can. Ebay would be ok s you have a buyers guarantee if it doesn't work, but avoid FB marketplace or Gumtree like the plague. Can I ask why you need a generator? Had no idea you lived out in the sticks.
AuntPolly think it's a steam generator for ironing with.
Ah...ok thanks Tony.

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