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Got It Wrong Again

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Jordyboy9 | 09:53 Wed 08th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Seems like I got things wrong again with my criticism of the return of Tilly2 and her,see how far this goes post,very popular indeed,
I will have to remind myself that there are lots of opinions on here besides mine.


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Oddness, oddness everywhere! Do we sweat it? We don't dare! Live and let live for all things are worthy, best do it that way else you may need an attorney.
Wouldn't dwell on it Jordyboy, I get shot down in flames on a daily basis.
We are all different Jordy. As Maggiebee says relax and don't dwell on it. I love that thread because as I go through it and see the lyrics ì can hear the music in my head and to me life without music wouldn't be worth living.
Like APC, I'm enjoying being reminded of tunes I haven't heard in years (and spotify had been used to rectify a fair few of these).

No harm, no foul Jordy, not everything is for everybody.
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Just for your friendly replies
That's just lovely Jordy. I always loved Johnny Matthis - a wonderful voice.

Thank you x
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Thought you might like to listen to this Apc2604
Lovely. I was 11 when he recorded that. My Mums favourite, along the the great Nat King Cole.
One of my mum's favourites there Jordy. I remember her being upset when he came out, as it meant she wasn't in with a shot anymore :-D

Is He Wrong ?
He's Not Right !


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Just for you,just for you.XX
//I will have to remind myself that there are lots of opinions on here besides mine//
Well you got that ^ right :-)

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