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jennyjoan | 18:56 Fri 10th Jan 2020 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I saw a little boy talking into a wristwatch so it was also a phone. How much are these. Thanks


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Maybe he just liked talking to his watch.
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no OG - it is a "talky" watch. I also saw a lady talking into one a few weeks ago.
The watch is usually an accessory to a phone rather than have its own gsm connectivity.

The most popular, the Apple watch is £440 and you need a £1000 to use it. One lucky little boy.
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gromit - maybe it was an accessory to the phone
* you need a £1000 iPhone to use it. *

The watch tethers to the phone.
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ok - it is just when I looked at ebay they are only like £5 - to £10. I'm not a techie person so don't really know how it would work. But I'll not worry too much at the price you are quoting
what would you want it for JJ? perhaps someone can suggest something at a cheaper price to achieve what you want
A lot of my friends have the iPhone/Apple Watch combo. I have resisted because I really do not see the point.
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Thanks Bed - no I don't even use an ordinary mobile phone as I have difficulty hearing on them. Was just curious at the price.
If you look on Amazon there are lots of kids phone/watches that basically track where the kids are and that they can call people and play games on. They need a SIM card. Prices vary from £15 upwards.
Smart watches are linked to cell phone. They need daily charging, nuisance :(

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