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Cchq Heading North

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Khandro | 11:47 Wed 15th Jan 2020 | News
7 Answers
A good idea? is the UK is too centralised in the London bubble?


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Aye lad, 'appen tha's reet…

(What's a conservative and where is London?)
I am hardly likely to visit CCHQ so I am not in the slightest bit interested where they hang their trousers. I suppose it is part of Boris's pledge to be more inclusive ooop North although I hardly think that was the sort of reward our Northern allies expect for 'lending their vote'.
It is a bit of a gimmick. What address the Conservative Party use on its letterhead is irrelevant. The problem will still remain that its MPs and officials will all still be in London and have a London centric bias.

The political map of London is mostly red, but so are most other metropolitan areas in the North.
It's a plot to make HS2 seem 'essential'.
Shock horror, house prices up north spiral.....
Actually davidsmall, I'm getting a bit worried about house prices. Apparently people who can't afford London are starting to move North --- and we don't want them (read it last week). It just puts up prices here and wages are lower, so our youngsters are likely to be priced out.

On the principle of moving depts. out of London, I'm all for it; but keep them in the cities!
Don't get too excited, probably just another lie.

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