Do we need the HoL ? Well, the problem with a democracy is that the majority can totally disregard/exploit/beatup the minority, which is hardly fair (we saw that with the Brextremists trying to suppress the Remoaners' riight to free speech for example).
I understood the HoL was there to prevent this imbalance (not saying whether it's effective or not, that's a different argument possibly).
But the present arrangement does seem to outrageously reward some fairly lazy duffers, so I do think we need a different selection/qualification method.
I don't think an Industry/Commerce Bigwigs panel is the answer, the CBI seem pretty influential already.
I would like to try a random selection from General Public for a trial period, with service being limited to a year (with sabbatical leave from job and guaranteed return, a bit like maternity leave). We could then review it after a few years. It does need careful thought - e.g. do we exclude anybody (similar to jury duty for example), is it compulsory, etc etc.
It would IMHO be an interesting experiment.
Thought ?