After years of unsuccessfully trying to keep neighbors' cats out of my garden (I hate cats) and being stressed out to find nothing works, I've changed my attitude instead. I still loathe cats but instead have thought of our garden and its surrounds as a habitat and now watch the cats and their behaviour as I would watch a David Attenborough programme. It's turned something extremely annoying into a fascinating and free spectacle. Easier than trying to keep the cats out!
Im glad to hear of your change of opinion. I used to hate cats but my girlfriend has 2 and have now learned to love them. They have some facinating behaviour and are a joy to watch.
This is a great story! I love cats but I used to be very indiffrent to them. It was only when I started observing them at close quarters that I began to find them marvellous.
Reminds me of a friend of mine who's yard is always full of slugs - she became really interested in them and now is full of slug facts and thinks they are fascinating- despite the fact that at first she hated them!
I have done exactly the same with foxes. They love my garden because it's well-tended (unlike the neighbours) and I always keep a water bath for them.
The only thing that winds me up is the digging and they know it ! Liberal sprinkling of chilli powder helps, as does human urine. When they are about to start digging in the flower beds they look at the house. If I see them, I give them the evil eye and out-stare them, and they slink off. It's fascinating.
De-Niro, no, I haven't changed my mind, I still loathe cats, but as I can't do anything about their entering our garden, and as I can see a woodland copse from my an upstairs window, I just switch off. I still shoo them away when I'm downstairs, but I'm much more chilled about it now.
David Attenborough doesn't have to clean up after the animals he's watching though does he! Cat sh1t in the garden is what pi55es me off about other peoples cats!! It's a good tip you've given, but I don't think it'll work for me lol
Yes, teagirl, I know what you mean as I used to have that problem. This time, the cats don't do their number 2s in our garden, thank God, so that;s probably why its been a bit easier, though they dis leave that horrid stench at the side of the bin, but I haven't smelled it for ages. i sympathise totally with you.
If you were to get your own cat, male and the bigger the better, other cats would avoid its territory, and stroking a cat is the best stress relief ive ever known, they are very theraputic.
Whilst on the thread/subject, just thought I'd ask why you loathe cats?! Is it their toilet calls in your garden or is there more to it than that? I mean, I've been indifferent to them but never hated them... Just wondering!
Some of the zoos sell big cat poo. This doesnt smell of much to us so wont give you a horrible smelling garden but it frightens the living daylights out of any domestic cat thinking of coming into your garden.
I liked my own cat!! He was good, never did his business in garden went off to fields to do it. Live near road now so would not want to get a beautiful kitty only for it to get squashed and rip my heart out in process. As a general rule I don't like cats except really really nice ones. And other peoples doing its business in my garden drives me up the wall. High pitched sqealer thing only cats are supposed to hear doesn't work (just drives me mad cos I can hear it!). So I'm gonna get me a life size weasel. Right, google methinks!!
Luckyeight, I don't like cats because of their 'sly' behaviour, which frightens me. Also, I'm scared of being cornered and scratched to death. Also, I saw a film when I was 13 about a woman who lived with a load of cats in the basement and they caused her death (she went backwards down a hill in her wheelchair into the path of an oncoming lorry). I find them sinister, but nonethless entertaining from a distance.